
Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I have BRACES! I went in at 8am, and walked out at 9:30 with brackets and an archwire across all but my molars and one tooth up front that other teeth have to move for.

My next appointment is July 13th, where they'll do the spacers. Then on July 20th they'll do the molds for the pendulum appliance, and they'll install that on the July 27th.

Because of the way my teeth are (really messed up) I can't currently bite down on any quadrant of my mouth without brackets hitting each other - so I've been cautioned not to chew for fear the brackets will break off - especially as I have crowns in every corner and it's harder for the brackets to adhere to the crowns.

Because of this, I'm on a soft diet until some teeth move, and the technician sounded confident that this change would occur before my first appointment. But then my spacers and the pendulum will basically also require a soft food diet. So for the next 6-8 months at the least, I'm on a basically soft food diet. This fits in perfectly with my plan for Slim Fast and losing some weight!

I came home early today because my head was killing me. Teeth were fine though, except for the front 4 which were SUPER sensitive. Hopefully I'll make it through tomorrow at work and then I have 4 days to relax at home and deal with the issues that may arise.

For now though, gonna go lay down and read!

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